French at Cowling Primary School

Subject Curriculum Lead:  Mrs Rebecca Conlon



‘Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures.’


At Cowling we are keen to open our children’s eyes to the world beyond their immediate experience and learning another language provides an ideal opportunity for children to find out more about how people live in another country and identify similarities and differences in language and lifestyle. Our teaching also strives to: – ensure Cowling children can understand and respond to spoken and written French from a variety of authentic sources. – enables our children to speak with increasing confidence and fluency, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation. – write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt.



At Cowling, the objectives of the MFL curriculum are underpinned by the North Yorkshire- Scheme of Languages, in which every block a new topic is introduced. Children’s learning builds progressively on previously taught and learnt vocabulary and phrases. The emphasis is on speaking and listening, making learning fun through songs and games, varied resources and practical activities. The culture and traditions of France are taught as an integral part of learning the language



Children will have covered the aspects of learning as set out in the National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages. They will have developed a recall of relevant vocabulary , and formulate simple phrases and become engaged in simple conversational French, ask questions, and are able to write sentences and phrases relating to a range of topics. They will be confident in moving onto KS3 to further develop their language skills in French and other MFLs. They have become resilient language learners and are not afraid to “have a go” both in terms of pronunciation, trying out phrases and sentences and producing written tasks. We measure impact through lesson observations and book scrutiny as well as pupil voice.