
At Cowling Community Primary School we have 5 classes and your child will be taught in a mixed age class, which has many benefits.  Throughout their time with us, they will also spend time in single aged groups for certain subjects (Maths, Spelling, PE). Our classes are all named after hills in the area and biannually we climb and explore our hills.  

Pendle Class (Reception and Y1) is where we welcome our youngest pupils into Cowling School. In the early stages of starting Cowling, we dedicate our time in getting to know and spending time with all children to ensure they settle in and build relationships with peers and adults.  When children enter Reception they are taught by Mrs Antal together with teaching assistants Mrs Oldcorn, Miss Holder and Mrs Teasdale. We strive to put the fun into learning and to provide a range of experiences and opportunities for our children. Reception children learn to read through a validated SSP Programme, Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which continues until children are ready to exit the programme. 

Sharp Haw Class (Year 2) is taught by Mrs Amos and Mrs Symonds together with teaching assistants Mrs Firth and Mrs Teasdale.  

Pen-Y-Ghent (Year 3 and Year 4) are taught by Mr Poole and supported by teaching assistants Mrs Wilson and Miss Holder.  In Year 3, the children begin swimming lessons at Pendle Leisure Centre in Colne. 

Ingleborough (Year 4 and 5) are taught by Mrs Conlon and Mr Glover together with teaching assistants Mrs Pociecha and Mrs Medley. Our Year 5 children, have the opportunity to attend the residential trip to Ullswater Outward Bound Centre. 

Whernside (Year 5 and Year 6) are taught by Mrs Pease together with teaching assistant Mrs Salisbury. Children in both year groups have the opportunity to spend a week at the Outward Bound Centre in Ullswater. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to discover just what they are capable of, to work independently and with their friends and to survive four nights away from home! It is a wonderful experience.