Parent & Teacher Association 

The PTA is a collective name for all parents and school staff who help to raise money for the school, as a parent of a child at Cowling Community Primary School you are a member of the PTA Congratulations! 

A representative group of parents and staff meet several times a year to organise events and we are very grateful to those who give up their time in this way. We do realise that many parents do not have time to commit to attending meetings but we need your help in other ways, we just ask if you could support the school by giving up an hour once or twice a year to help events run smoothly. This might include manning the tombola, serving tea, selling raffle tickets or even helping out at one of our school discos. 


At Cowling school we run a school lottery. If you are able to support us please click the link below, this helps us to raise money towards school trips and new equipment for the children. 


What events have the PTA organised in the past? 

  • Cinema Night 
  • Discos 
  • Christmas fairs 
  • Raffles 
  • Bingo 

What has the school purchased with the help from PTA? 

  • Books for the library 
  • Interactive whiteboards 
  • Computers
  • New classroom whiteboards