Come and visit us

If you are a prospective parent, please contact us to arrange a visit to see our wonderful school in action. We look forward to meeting you. 

Read our vision

Cowling Community Primary School is a place where every child has the chance to shine. 

Wraparound Care

‘Buddies’ is a caring, safe and fun environment where children have the opportunity to socialise and play with their peers. 


The latest news from our school


The latest news from our school


Term Dates

Term dates and teacher training days


Term Dates

Term dates and teacher training days


Find out whats going on in school


Find out whats going on in school


Admissions information for parents


Admissions information for parents

Welcome to
Cowling Primary School

A warm welcome to all visiting our school website. I feel incredibly lucky and privileged to work at Cowling where ‘Every child has the chance to shine’. Visitors to our school often comment that it feels a lot like a family, due to its happy and caring feel.

Cowling Community Primary School is an exciting place to learn situated on the edge of the Dales close to the Yorkshire-Lancashire border. Our talented staff team strive to put the fun into learning and encourage all our children to aim high. Cowling Community Primary School serves children from the school year in which they are five years old, up to the age of eleven. The school has a pupil roll of approximately 139 pupils, organised into five classes. The school works closely with local cluster schools as part of the Castle Alliance and Harrogate and Rural Teaching Alliance.

We have strong relationships with our parents, staff, governors and the wider community. It is through these strong links that we make sure that we enrich our children’s lives both academically and socially. We all work hard to provide an environment where our children can flourish.

I hope that you will find our website interesting and informative and that it gives you a flavour of life at Cowling Community Primary School. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries or questions you may have. If you are a prospective parent, please contact us to arrange a visit to see our wonderful school in action. We look forward to meeting you.

Kate Dawson, Headteacher

Aims and Values

At Cowling our vision is to ensure we:

  • Deliver an exciting, inspiring curriculum providing opportunities and opening children’s eyes to the world.
  • Ensure children value difference and show high levels of respect and courtesy.
  • Become a centre of primary excellence through school to school led improvement and collaboration.
  • Establish positive and successful home school partnerships.
  • Ensure our children are happy, safe and successful finding the fun in learning.
  • Deliver excellent progress for all our children.
  • Are a place where every child has the chance to shine.
  • Develop character enabling children to demonstrate resilience.
  • Our teaching stimulates motivation, imagination and curiosity.
  • Encourage our children to try new things.

Latest News

Summer Curriculum 2024 for EYFS – Year 6

See the Curriculum Overviews for Summer 2024 below:

Newsletter – Summer 1 2024

Newsletter – Spring 2 2024

Art and Design at Cowling Primary School

Subject Curriculum Lead: Mrs Richmal Symonds    Intent: Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills...

Newsletter – Autumn 2 2023

Newsletter – Autumn 1 2023

Newsletter 7th July 2023

Dear Parents and Carers There is not much news in the newsletter this week, as I wanted to share some information regarding arrangements for next year. You will also receive your child’s school report next week, please make an appointment with your child’s class...

Newsletter 12th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers, Well done to everyone in Year 6 who completed their national statutory assessments this week. We encourage our children to have a go and to do their best and every one of them has demonstrated that this week. One use of SATS is that they can...

Newsletter 26th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers, As another half term ends, we thank you all for your ongoing support. Our students have had a great end to the half term and we have seen a really positive response to our revised behaviour system. We will be asking for some feedback on our...

Newsletter 28th April 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,I would like to start off this newsletter with a big thank you to all of our families. This week, we have received a lot of help and support within school and on our school visits. Without you we would not be able to enrich our curriculum as...

Awards and Associations